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Cookie in the mines noclips through the walls, I think it also double hit me as was on 50hp and then dead :(

Also the default sensitivity is SO high! (My bad for not noticing the part in the description about changing that though haha.

Pretty good game though, would be good to get some feedback on enemy health, a health bar or some visual cue to show you're doing something would be nice.


Ah yeah sorry about the cookie in the mine, it's a little buggy and I ran out of time before I could really fix it. For some reason the sensitivity seems to be different from pc to pc, I'm going to have to do some more research into it but on my laptop it's too low and on my pc it's too high (even using the same mouse) and everyone else seems to have a different experience with it too. I could implement a hp bar pretty easily so if I ever update the game I'll do that. Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Is your turning perhaps tied to update instead of fixed update? Faster computers will get more update runs per second than slower computers.

But both should have the same number of fixed updates. (I think)

The logic that makes the camera move is in update so in all likelihood that's the issue. Thanks for the advice, that should be an easy fix!

Finally beat it. The enemy in the mines is one tough cookie.  Honestly kind of fun and the pixel art all looks nice

Thanks! It was definitely a blast to make. The trick to the cookie in the mines is to not wake him up, if you stay out of his range you can sneak past him when he teleports. 

How does this game relate to the cookie theme???

There's a cookie necromancer as the boss and if you go into the mines there's another cookie, you should try to collect the second one... 


I was trying to fit the criteria of two jams so the themes I was trying to follow was pixel art, time travel and cookie. Definitely wasn't easy tying cookie in there and I could probably have worked it into the story a bit better but I ran out of time on the other jam cause it ends today. Maybe I'll circle back and add some audio clips to feed into a multi verse story line or something but for now I'm just happy I got it done haha